Watch the Multisensory Book Launch of A Blind Bit of Difference and tasting colour!
‘A Blind Bit of Difference’ & ‘Tasting Colour’ buffet extravaganza!
“You don’t have to see the colour, you can eat the colour!”
From the original promotional material:
“This exciting multisensory event opens with a mouth-watering ‘Tasting Colour’ buffet! We will playfully ‘induce’ you with synaesthesia to magically morph and cross-wire your senses – creating colourful talk of your own! Get those creative juices flowing with a rainbow of electric popping candy, stormy dark chocolate, sofa-soft-like-a-hug cheese, jauntily juicy strawberries and more! And nibble on our edible sculpture! Our ‘Tasting Colour’ Chef Adam Thomason will create an exciting area exploding with many smells and tastes! Throughout the extravaganza, herbs and spice pots will be blow torched to release different smells around the following 4 tastes: Golden, candied and red beetroot marshmallow; Whipped foraged wild mushroom mousse, pickled mushrooms and watercress; Acid rolled Liquid filled white chocolate and lemon curd and Puffed tapioca crackers with rosemary smoked cheese…Is your mouth watering yet?!
Then the live show! Our ‘metaphorical wizards’ will perform Spoken Word & Sound Poetry alongside our electric cast of disabled & vison impaired Featured Artists, with inspirational performance poetry, hilarious ‘Pop-ups’ from Extant Theatre & In Sight Theatre & dynamic “mash-ups” of your own live colourful talk, from our ‘Poetry DJ’! Then book sales of the brilliant ‘A Blind Bit of Difference’ & student-poet signings!
This will be a BSL and captioned event. The event will be live streamed for those who are not able to attend due to their disabilities.”
Facebook and YouTube Live Streams!
17th October 2018
The audiences’ colourful experience was live streamed on the A Blind Bit of Difference Facebook page and YouTube Channel!
Gallery above shows portraits of the features artists from the orginal launch. Click the images to go straight to their individual bios!