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About and Contact


If you would like to get in touch with us about the project, please email or visit our social media pages by clicking the icons at the top of the page

Black and white portrait photograph of Amy Neilson Smith. Amy’s head and shoulders are visible, and she is smiling into the camera with her mouth closed. Amy is a white woman, her lips are glossy and dark and her hair is curly and light.

Black and white portrait photograph of Amy Neilson Smith. Amy’s head and shoulders are visible, and she is smiling into the camera with her mouth closed. Amy is a white woman, her lips are glossy and dark and her hair is curly and light.

To contact Amy directly, please email or find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!


Meet Our Sponsors


About Sense: “For everyone living with complex disabilities. For everyone who is deafblind. Sense is here to help people communicate and experience the world.”


About Extant: “Extant is the opposite of extinct. Formed in 1997 Extant was the inspired name chosen by a group of professional visually impaired artists, for the emergence of a new dynamic space, intended to redress our invisibility as artists and explore new creative territories.”


About BitterSuite: “BitterSuite was founded in 2014 to reimagine the concert experience through the senses. The company is built on research into crossmodal correspondences, synaesthesia and multi-sensory intergration. We apply this practical and academic learning to create multi-sensory concerts which deepen the experience of listening.”


About In Sight Theatre: “In Sight Theatre gives talented disabled and non disabled artists the chance to devise and perform theatre in mainstream festivals and venues. Through this we aim to start careers and provide practical experience of what it is like to be part a close-knit creative team.”


About Apples and Snakes: “We believe that poetry and spoken word is for everyone. We work to amplify unheard voices. We positively encourage artists and producers to push the boundaries of what poetry and spoken word can be”


About Arts Council England: We champion, develop and invest in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people's lives. We support activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections.


About Open Senses: “Open Senses is the world's first festival devoted to sensory practice, the sensory arts and research. It was launched in May 2017 as a three-day festival across 25 London venues and featuring 50 events and the work of 200 practitioners. ”

Launch Raffle Author Sponsors & Presses

THANK YOU to all the authors and presses, from all the ‘’metaphorical wizards” at Joseph Clarke School! Your books will go into the Launch Raffle to raise funds to cover the publishing of our Spoken Word book about vision impairment that allows us to share our view of the world!!! 🧡

Photograph of Gabriel Moreno next to a small child in a home environment. Gabriel has dark hair that falls over the forehead, a moustache and is smiling towards the camera with mouth open. Gabriel and the small child have pale skin and Gabriel is holding a copy of the collection ‘The Passer By’ up to the camera.

Photograph of Gabriel Moreno next to a small child in a home environment. Gabriel has dark hair that falls over the forehead, a moustache and is smiling towards the camera with mouth open. Gabriel and the small child have pale skin and Gabriel is holding a copy of the collection ‘The Passer By’ up to the camera.

Gabriel Moreno

Thank you Gabriel Moreno - poet and musician, for you new collection ‘The Passer-by’.
Lots of the students have written heartfelt and brave poems about darkness, the infinity of light ending and other themes related to being ‘inside’ of vision impairment. The are also huge Lord of the Rings audio book fans & some love gothic poetry! And Merlin and the dryads & all that moody, dark magic! They loved your infinity quote from your book!

‘Only the darkest insides

Are invested in infinity.’

From The Diver

Bad Betty Press

Photo of Amy Acre holding up a copy of the book “The dizziness of freedom” in front of most of their face. Amy has long dark hair, pale skin and is wearing a light grey T shirt.

Photo of Amy Acre holding up a copy of the book “The dizziness of freedom” in front of most of their face. Amy has long dark hair, pale skin and is wearing a light grey T shirt.

Photo of Jake Wild Hall holding a copy of the book “the dizziness of Freedom” in front of most of their face. We see the right half of Jake’s face behind the book, revealing pale skin, blue eyes and raised eyebrows.

Photo of Jake Wild Hall holding a copy of the book “the dizziness of Freedom” in front of most of their face. We see the right half of Jake’s face behind the book, revealing pale skin, blue eyes and raised eyebrows.

THANK YOU Bad Betty Press! From all the ‘’metaphorical wizards’ at Joseph Clarke School! Your copy of ‘The Dizziness of Freedom’ will go into the Launch Raffle to raise funds to cover the publishing of our Spoken Word book about vision impairment that allows us to share our view of the world!!! 🧡 One of our brilliant Featured Launch Artists is also amongst this book’s top line up of poets! The awesome Abi Palmer!

‘“I think it’s amazing you have put together a poetry book to help people explore mental health!” - 🌟student quote, after our discussion about Bad Betty press!!!❤️