Our Accessible Films


Multisensory Event Launch

Watch The Multisensory Book Launch Of A Blind Bit Of Difference And Tasting Colour, as featured on Metro Blind Sport!


In Conversation with Sarah Houbolt

Creative Director Amy Neilson Smith interviews Sarah; Australian (VI) vision impaired actress, artist, aerialist, activist, and circus artist! THIS FILM, is one of several from A Blind Bit of Difference's ACCESS TO ARTS, docu-interview series, exploring accessibility intervention in the arts. 


In Conversation with Amelia Cavallo

Creative Director Amy Neilson Smith interviews Amelia: blind actress, artist, aerialist, activist, and self-confessed bisexual feminist! THIS FILM, is one of several from A Blind Bit of Difference's ACCESS TO ARTS, docu-interview series, exploring accessibility intervention in the arts.